
Two Easy Ways To Have Radiant Skin On Your Wedding Day

Your big day is coming up soon and there’s probably still a lot of last minute things to do. The good news is that you can leave all that last minute running around to your planner and spend these last few days taking care of yourself. This Wednesday, we’ll be focusing on keeping your face bright, clear, and photo ready! Here are a couple of very simple things that you and your bridesmaids can do together to make sure everyone has a face that's looking smooth and relaxed for your wedding day.

Egg Mask

This one is great for oily skin, it helps tighten your pores and it adds some brightness to your skin. It only requires two ingredients: an egg and fresh lemon juice!

Image Courtesy of: WikiHow

Image Courtesy of: WikiHow

Image Courtesy of: Cure Joy

Image Courtesy of: Cure Joy

What you’ll need to do is separate your eggs into whites and yolk. Next, you’ll need to take the whites and beat them until they are frothy. Then, add lemon juice. Clean your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply mixture evenly over your face and allow to dry. Once it dries, peel or rinse it off. After that, your skin should feel tight, bright, and refreshed!

Olive Oil and Honey Mask

Before you boycott this one, let me just say that this will not clog your pores or make your skin oily! It actually does kind of the opposite. The molecules in olive oil are too big to fit in your pores. This combined with honey makes for an amazing hydrating mask for dry skin, and like the title says, you only need these two ingredients!

Image Courtesy of: Beauty Epic

Image Courtesy of: Beauty Epic

To make this mask, you’ll need two tablespoons of honey and one of extra virgin olive oil. After that, you’ll mix it together until it’s thoroughly combined and then heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Next, smear the warm mixture over your face and wait for a few minutes. When it cools, rinse it off, and voila! You’ll be left with smooth, healthy, and hydrated skin. 

Image Courtesy of: Hairpedia Club

Image Courtesy of: Hairpedia Club

You can also use this mixture as a means to treating your dry or damaged hair. Apply the mixture to damp hair, letting it sit for approximately 45 minutes, then wash with a mild shampoo. Make sure you have radiant on your wedding day. Happy Planning!

Shades of Beauty

Today's post is a bit of a personal one for me because I don't condone bullying of any kind, especially in children.  Instead of my usual wedding inspiration, I've put together an inspiration board of a different kind, but before I get to that, I wanted to get into the why.... Last week, at a summer camp, there was a beautiful little girl crying because the children at the camp were picking on her.  They were picking on her because her skin was too dark.  I was beyond infuriated!  One, I was picked on by my own classmates for similar reasons when I was a child. I was too dark, too skinny, and never had the best clothes. Two, many of the students at the camp are of the African American race, so this reasoning just didn't make any sense to me.  I was just sick and tired of the African American race picking on each other, especially after just recently watching Oprah's documentary Dark Girls.  My mom used to say "it doesn't matter if you're black, white, blue, green, or yellow, people are just people".  I still believe this and I raised my children to believe the same.

I happen to have the latest copy of Munaluchi Bridal magazine, which shows women in all shades of brown getting married, walking the runways in fashion shows, and around the globe being depicted in positive ways.  I chatted with her for a bit so that she could hear how beautiful she really was.  I told her that it's not about having light skin, white skin, long hair, or short hair; it's about being who you are and loving who you are.  We all have something special within us and underneath it all, we all bleed the same color, red.

Shades of Beauty

Today's inspiration board was put together so little girls like the one I encountered last week and like the one that I used to be, can see that beauty comes in so many different shades; from pale white to dark chocolate and everything in between, and have not a single flaw. I'm not oblivious to the fact that beauty is depicted one way on tv and in other forms of the media, but our young girls need to know that what they see when they look in the mirror is more than just ok.  So, I thought I'd start off by telling them with this post. You are beautiful!